Search Results - Smallest police station in the world New World Record For Largest Underwater Mermaid ShowJust when you think you’ve seen it all, bo... Mermaid Video: Edm Star Avicii Tragically Found DeadOn Friday the 29th of April, fans across the... Avicii Here Are The 15 Most Heavily Guarded People In The WorldHere is a list of 15 of the most heavily gua... People Baby Cows Wears Adorable Earmuffs For Winter ProtectionOne of the most adorable subjects in this wo... Baby Golden Retriever Takes Guinness World Record For Most Tennis Balls In MouthMany dogs are crazy about anything ball rela... Tennis Most Shocking Facebook Live MomentsIn the Spirit of Halloween, where all things... Police Kind Trooper Goes Above And Beyond To Safe Lonely Baby CoyoteWe all know the feeling when we can’t resi... Little What $1 Million Can Buy You Around The WorldSo, someone gives you $1 million and says yo... Million Coonhound Takes New Guinness World Record For Longest Dog EarsEach dog has its own adorable features from ... Ears 800,000 LEGO Cherry Blossom Tree Breaks Guinness World RecordWe all know the joyful feeling when it comes... Lego Video: I Now Pronounce You Wife And ... Train Station?It might sound ridiculous but this woman cla... Station Video: Cardi B Welcomes Her Baby Girl, Kulture Into The WorldCardi B has announced that she and Offset ha... Cardi Why One Man Owns 2,371 Cell PhonesSure, we’ve all got an old phone stashed i... Cell Video: New James Bond Movie, Spectre, Awarded Guinness World Record For The Largest Real Movie Explosion Ever!... Movie Video: Holding The World Record For Most Inverted Flat Spins, Spencer Suderman Takes To The Sunny Southern California Skies For A Wild Flight!Holding the world record for most inverted f... Flat Video: Limbo Skating Under Bars Has A New World Record!Eight-year-old Tiluck Keisam is a limbo-skat... Skating Video: 10 Celebs That Went From Tacky To ClassyFashion trends come and go. Of course, most ... Fashion Video: Top 10 Most Dangerous Kids In The WorldPerhaps the biggest trait that draws us to a... Child Video: People Thought She Was Crazy Until They Saw Her Name19-year-old Bindi Irwin, the strikingly beau... Irwin Fries from Around the World – delicious!Fries are undeniably everyones favourite sna... Fries WWII Soldier Reveals His Sketchbooks Which Is a Visual Diary of His ExperienceEven during times of war, soldiers need to f... Lundy Artist Creates Illustration Of Bizarre Real Life Conversations Overheard In PublicWe all have eavesdropped on other people’s... Conversations Video: Drunken Douchbag Acts Like A 'zombie' Bites People And Tries To Punch Police Like A Savage!Where’s some police brutality when you... Police Video: Vince Vaughn Thrown In Jail For Driving DrunkVince Vaughn was stopped an arrested in the ... Vaughn < 12345 >